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Manufacturer and supplier of raw materials
Cosmetics -Pharmaceutical - Food supplements
Copyright © 2016 Spanish Snail S.L
Traditionally one breeding snails in Catalonia since antiquity. It is here that is the ideal biotop and that we allows to propose to you a secretion of great quality particularly rich in active ingredients.
After 3 years in researches and development with the IUT, (Department of the Bioengineering), the LCBE, (Biomolecular Environment and Chemistry laboratory) of Perpignan and more recently, the IRTA research institute owned by the Government of Catalonia, this breeding is the leader today by offering an exceptional product which profited from the last scientific projections in this field.
Traditional Snail Secretion
Catalonia is an area rich in contrast. Art, culture and the innovation one always made good household in the middle of a wild and untameable nature.
We collect only the secretion of the race Hélix Aspersa Müller.
Selected animal feeds.
Innovating purification of the raw snail secretion, without any aggressive means like the ultraviolet rays in order to preserve its active substances and its contents with high proteinic value. (Patent "Les Jardins Christophe").
Lyophilization of the snail secretion with a minimum moisture content, offering an unequalled stability.. This technique of conservation, respects entirety of the product, while avoiding the losses definitively of allantoïn and glycolic acid as it is the case in liquid form
Raw material without conservative nor additive, allowing each one to work out its own formulations and to have thus a signature total of its know-how.
Facilitated dilution of the lyophilized snail secretion towards an aqueous solution (secretion reconstituted).
Volume of the snail secretion considerably reduced in form lyophilized, considerably reducing logistics and transport costs (1 gram of lyophilized snail secretion is equivalent to 1 kg of liquid snail secretion ).